


  • The school aims at providing best quality education for the advancement of all human faculties-physical, mental, social, moral andspiritual in unison.
  • To foster the feelings of universal brotherhood among students by generating faith in unity in diversity.
  • To provide them an atmosphere of understanding, freedom and love for development of a sense of creativity in the young minds.
  • To enable the child to harmonize with society and changing environment.
  • To make him a balanced, self-reliant, useful, disciplined and law abiding citizen.
  • To provide scope for the development of logical thinking and scientific temper through observations and experiments.
  • To install leadership qualities among all students.
  • To create the spirit of tolerance, patience, love and respect for values.
  • To encourage committed social work.
  • To inculcate the all encompassing qualities of a global citizen.


  • Our vision for “BAHIRJI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL” is to develop well rounded, confident and responsible individual who aspire toachieve their full potential. We will do this by providing a well writing happy safe and supportive environment in which everyone is equaland all achievements are we created.
  • Our Focus is to provide stimulation early learning and children experience which promotes each child’s social / emotional, physical andcognitive development.


  • Working together for Excellence and placing our society at par with the best in the world.